I’m trying to use a CallOutBox in a plug-in I made using the Magic GUI Plugin module.
I’m creating an item, use FOLEYS_DECLARE_GUI_FACTORY and then builder->registerFactory(…
I launch the CallOutBox from the mouseDown overridden method of my component like this:
if (event.mods.isLeftButtonDown())
auto newEqPanel = std::make_unique<EqualizerPanel>();
newEqPanel->setSize (250, 500);
newEqPanel->setKnobs(lowFreq, 0);
newEqPanel->setKnobs(lowGain, 1);
newEqPanel->setKnobs(midFreq, 2);
newEqPanel->setKnobs(midGain, 3);
newEqPanel->setKnobs(highFreq, 4);
newEqPanel->setKnobs(highGain, 5);
#if JUCE_VERSION > 0x60001
juce::CallOutBox& coBox = juce::CallOutBox::launchAsynchronously (std::move(newEqPanel), getScreenBounds(), nullptr);
juce::CallOutBox& coBox = juce::CallOutBox::launchAsynchronously (newEqPanel.release(), getScreenBounds(), nullptr);
It works perfectly if FOLEYS_SHOW_GUI_EDITOR_PALLETTE is enabled.
But as soon as FOLEYS_SHOW_GUI_EDITOR_PALLETTE is disabled the callout box
doesn’t appear.
The mouse event is called correctly (so clicking displays “CALL_OUT_BOX” in the console).
Is there something making the Call Out Boxes not displayed when the editor palette is disabled or something happening when it is enabled that makes the call out box working correctly that I would needed to do also on my side to ensure it works when it is disabled?