I ran into an assertion failure when I ran the EqualizerExample wearing my Air Pods Pro (24 kHz sampleRate), and this fixes it, but there is an offset with the XY slider that I’m looking into now:
--- a/modules/foleys_gui_magic/Visualisers/foleys_MagicFilterPlot.cpp
+++ b/modules/foleys_gui_magic/Visualisers/foleys_MagicFilterPlot.cpp
@@ -38,11 +38,14 @@
namespace foleys
+static const double NUM_FREQS { 300 };
- frequencies.resize (300);
+ frequencies.resize (NUM_FREQS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < frequencies.size(); ++i)
- frequencies [i] = 20.0 * std::pow (2.0, i / 30.0);
+ frequencies [i] = 0.5 * double(i) / frequencies.size(); // normalized Hz until sampleRate becomes available
magnitudes.resize (frequencies.size());
@@ -111,6 +114,15 @@ void MagicFilterPlot::createPlotPaths (juce::Path& path, juce::Path& filledPath,
void MagicFilterPlot::prepareToPlay (double sampleRateToUse, int)
sampleRate = sampleRateToUse;
+ auto freqRatio = std::pow(2.0, (std::log2(0.9999 * sampleRate/2.0) - std::log2(20.0))/double(NUM_FREQS - 1));
+ double freq = 20.0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < frequencies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ jassert(freq < sampleRate/2.0);
+ frequencies [i] = freq;
+ freq *= freqRatio;
+ }