Hello dear PGM users!
The end of the year is a perfect time to take a breath and see where to head to next.
2021 already saw some nice additions, like:
- Simplified setup thanks to
- Auto-Save
- Improved Captions
- independent from AudioProcessorValueTreeState
- Midi-Learn to map CC to parameters
- Properties for all instances
- Support for Filmstrip knobs
- and some more…
So here are the features I am contemplating next and I want to give you the chance to vote on it or add your own feature wishes in the thread. But please note that this is just a poll, I cannot give promises that any of those features actually comes to life. But I do my best to make it better and better…
Next Features
- Look and Feel for Decorators and Meters
- Drag and Drop operations
- More Visualisers (Goniometer, Signal Visualiser, …)
- CSS-Import/Export
- HSV / corresponding Colour-Editor
- Dynamic content a la AJAX/jQuery
- Animated transitions / slide shows
- “Knobman style” editor
- Dialog Boxes / File Browsers
- Unit Testing
And now happy voting and a blessed 2022!