Slider incriments

i have added the code so the parameters move in iw of 5 between value 0-100 however in foleys gui magic the sliders dont reflect this change also in foleys gui magic it has the option for incriments but this does nothing any help would be grateley appreciated

If the sliders are bound with the parameter property, it will create a regular juce attachment, which usually reflect those. Did you add your increments to the juce parameters?

The increment fields for the slider are only used, when the slider is not used to control a parameter but rather a property. Propertes are values that are not shared with the host.

Hope that helps

Thank you very much for the information i have tried this and now have the sliders working with increments as per your information this now works perfect with the sliders in Foley’s gui magic. I am very new to Foley’s gui magic and juce but loving Foley’s gui magic.

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