Failing Label text change with a strange menu issue

Newbie here, sorry for a similar and rather long post. But I’m really at a loss about explanations in other posts and the answers seem different to me. Found 3 posts and really tried to work this one out. In one post, suggested solution was creating a class for such Label node and overriding the Label’s property as I understand.

Working with Label components

Couldn’t make this one work, perhaps because I can’t understand the logical connection how such property would associate with the “text” value of Label at runtime. In relation:

Should I write in such created class “active” section, the existing property (namely “text”) of this Label (then assign this new class to it), or is this to be an arbitrary property name created in Label’s value section (but how can that be related to “text” value?). Also will this be for the Label section showing up under Class edit mode, or directly in the options for particular Label, or in fact both? Cause these sections don’t follow each other in my tries.

Does “node” in getPropertyAsValue(“node:property”) indicate a given node id, created class name (like above), or simply the component name itself “Label” etc? This generic path explanation “node:property” isn’t clear to me, in terms of the editor based definitions we make.

Should such whole path be included under Label’s “value” section or just property (name)?

Also in another post:

Updating a Label text from internal values

The method seems simpler, by just creating a property name (again an arbitrary name?) in the “value” section of Label. Then this can be accessed as “node:property” in the code. Still though, I couldn’t be sure what “node” refers to in editor definitions and code. So I tried using the Node id I gave, class name I created, an arbitrary name “CapNote:text” for Label’s value etc. In this second post though, no class creation is being mentioned. For each post then, I tried to modify text from code with various choices. My tries failed, no updates to the Label text.

Yet another post acknowledges the second one. But this is for a code created instance. When using Foleys editor for definitions then, I can’t be sure. Just get property method in my code doesn’t make such property available in the editor. I want to use the editor.

Finally in addition, I get a strange “property” issue in editor menu, my definitions accumulate due to my multiple “New Property” attempts. I can’t see an option to delete them. When I choose one, the menu reverts this to multiple selections as shown in below image. I don’t know if this issue is related to above, but multiple selections wouldn’t make sense so perhaps it is.

I wonder where related data is being stored. Cause I tried fresh Juce, fresh Foleys module and a fresh project directory, building all from scratch. These property names I defined somehow survive and re-appear. Puzzling. As possible relevant information I use cmake, mingw and qt creator. Due to Windows 7 limitation, going with Juce v7.0.12 and Foleys v1.4. I’ve overcome few hurdles related to cmake easily, thanks to this forum. But I got stuck in above case, which I assumed would be trivial. Thanks for the patient read and possible help.