Properties and values keep getting stored and override runtime values

Hi again, since my first post is quite long I wished to make a separate post about persistent property definitions and their values at runtime. This post is related to the last part of my previous one (the first part, I still don’t quite understand):

Failing Label text change with a strange menu issue

Regarding the multiple menu selections shown there, I’ve indeed located a “.settings” file in a folder named the same as my project (under appdata roaming), which does store defined properties. Unless one changes the project name, all created properties come from this file, regardless of project rebuild, different “magic.xml” files loaded etc. Deletion of this .settings file is one time remedy, as it gets created each time a standalone project app is closed. The accumulation there seems to create conflicts in Foleys GUI editor menu, since an updated “magic.xml” won’t necessarily have all stored property names and values.

Another problem is, this “.settings” file evidently stores property values as well. If I delete this file and run my app, then I can change values by code (using getPropertyAsValue). Otherwise with this suggested method, the stored values override the new values by code. As this file is automatically generated after the app is closed, after each change to layout and properties, manual deletion of this file is needed to test one’s latest layout and code. I assume in a final app release, same issue would prevent runtime value change (unless the user also deletes this file each time). So this auto-save issue isn’t only about design stage.

Is there a way to prevent generation of this .settings file or perhaps a method to ignore a stored property value to keep this defined only at runtime (such as a particular Label’s text)? Or a different method altogether, to achieve dynamical value changes of Label text?