Since Version 1.3.0 there is an easier way to use PluginGuiMagic in a JUCE based plugin.
What stays the same is to add the foleys_gui_magic to the project.
- Instead of inheriting juce::AudioProcessor inherit foleys::MagicProcessor
- You don’t need to add a magicState. It is alreadt added in the new base class
- You don’t need to use AudioProcessorValueTree, but you can.
- You need to remove the hasEditor and createEditor from your processor class, so the editor is created from the base class
- You should remove setStateInformation/getStateInformation to enable a preconfigured loading and saving of your plugins state
- to add your own components override the
void initialiseBuilder (foleys::MagicBuilder& builder)
void MyProcessor::initialiseBuilder (MagicGUIBuilder& builder)
// add your own factories here:
builder.registerFactory ("MyComponent", &MyComponenttem::factory);
// the factory was created by adding the FOLEYS_DECLARE_GUI_FACTORY (MyComponentItem) to your wrapping GuiItem
This is how you set up the GUI in your processors constructor:
- set the ValueTree in the constructor from BinaryData:
magicState.setGuiValueTree (BinaryData::magic_xml, BinaryData::magic_xmlSize);
- Alternatively you can load from a file. On Mac it is particularily useful, since you can change it without recompiling. This uses the file and falls back to a version in BinaryData:
auto file = juce::File::getSpecialLocation (juce::File::currentApplicationFile)
.getChildFile ("Contents")
.getChildFile ("Resources")
.getChildFile ("magic.xml");
if (file.existsAsFile())
magicState.setGuiValueTree (file);
magicState.setGuiValueTree (BinaryData::magic_xml, BinaryData::magic_xmlSize);
- Last but not least you can use an auto generated ValueTree, which adds as many controls as it knows about:
auto defaultGUI = magicState.createDefaultGUITree();
magicState.setGuiValueTree (defaultGUI);
Hope that helps, please let me know if there are problems